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FAQ: What Is All-Access?

Selection for All-Access is the highest level of achievement for a Stages Music Arts student. Read on to learn what it means to be a part of this exclusive program.

What Is the All-Access Program at Stages?

All-Access is an audition-based band program for Stages students aged 12-18. All-Access members study with renowned mentors, record with industry professionals, and have access to special performance opportunities.

How Is All-Access Different from the Rock Band Program?

The All-Access program is an exclusive opportunity, only given to a limited number of students each year. We leverage our relationships with the area’s best musicians and local concert venues to provide All-Access members with exclusive learning, performing, and recording opportunities, taking the experience of being in a Stages Rock Band a step further.

Who Is Eligible to Audition?

An ideal candidate for the All-Access program is a Stages student between the ages of 12-18 (up to and including their senior year of high school) who has a strong desire to reach their full potential. The student is a self-starter, demonstrates leadership skills and open-mindedness, and has both technical and theoretical knowledge.

How Do I Audition?

Auditions will be held virtually for the 2025 school year. Video auditions are due by August 9th at 11:59 PM, and results will be announced on August 16th. Click here to view detailed instructions and fill out the submission form.

Each student must audition for a slot on their primary instrument, but secondary instruments will also be taken into consideration. All-Access spots include guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and voice. The audition process involves an interview, a preselected song, a song of choice, a music theory segment, and a secondary instrument song of choice, if applicable. 

“All-Access has not only shown me how to work on a team, but what it’s like to be a gigging musician.”

Oliver UngerAll-Access Alumni and Berklee College of Music Student

I joined All-Access about 4 years ago. It was the first time I had ever been in a band and immediately became an experience I would never forget. The opportunities we got such as– playing venues around Baltimore, rehearsing in the studios at Stages Music Arts, and spending time rehearsing together as a band– formed connections and friendships I will have for life. Without All-Access, I never would have developed the skills I needed to front my own band.

Sophia PaffenbackAll-Access Alumni and Berklee College of Music Student

Why Should I Audition?

All-Access helps students grow into role models and poised performers. Not only do they learn how to collaborate, work on a team, and take constructive criticism, but they build a sense of self-confidence and professionalism, too. Members of the All-Access bands are given special opportunities that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to, providing them with connections and experiences that set them up for success.

What Are All-Access Alumni Doing Now?

Several alumni have gone on to form their own bands, write and record original music, and gig professionally. Four All-Access alumni are attending Berklee College of Music this fall.

Where Does All-Access Perform?

All-Access has performed at Hard Rock Cafe, WTMD, UNION Collective, Camden Yards, The Recher, Baltimore Museum of Industry, Belvedere Square, Power Plant Live!, and several other local venues.

Who Has All-Access Performed With?

Past mentor sessions have included Gregory Thompkins, Carl Filipiak, Cris Jacobs, and other esteemed artists.

What Is the All-Access Schedule (Rehearsals, Gigs, etc.)?

All-Access requires students to commit to a full year of availability for rehearsals and performances. Rehearsals will be held weekly, 90 minutes each (day and time TBD).

In Conclusion…

All-Access is a unique opportunity that strengthens students’ skills and confidence. If you are passionate about music and performance, enjoy working with others, and are enthusiastic about all things Stages, All-Access will be a great fit for you!

Ready to Rock?

audition for all-access

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