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June Student Spotlight: Norah Peckham

Norah Peckham is a talented guitarist and member of the student band Alright. When asked why Norah is deserving of the spotlight, her teacher Ian Trusheim said “Norah Peckham is special. She’s grown so much as a musician and performer in a short period of time. She has an incredible ear and is very creative, writing her own music. It comes natural to her. She also has the desire to improve her music theory understanding and technique. With her natural gifts, positive attitude and desire to grow, she is the perfect student and band mate!”

What do you study and why did you pick that instrument?

I play electric guitar at Stages and I picked it because in my mind it’s pretty diverse – you can play beautiful chords but also shred solos.

Who is your teacher and what do you love about them?

My teacher for the last two years has been Ian, and I love how chill and easy going he is.  He’s always open to answering questions and is really good at explaining music theory.

What kind of music do like to listen to or play? Recent favorite artist?

I love so many genres, but I have to say my top two are metal and 50s doo-wop.  It’s definitely a contrast, but those genres together have a heavy influence on my original music too.

What’s your favorite thing about Stages or do you have a favorite Stages memory?

My favorite thing about Stages is that I’ve never seen a place like it.  All of the staff are really nice and it’s a great place for kids to learn, but at the same time it’s professional and gives you a glimpse into what being a musician is really like.

What are your musical goals? What is one of your non-music related goals?

My musical goal right now is to write some original pieces, but not rush them because I want them to represent me.  Non-musically, I’m just trying to survive in school without getting too behind.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself not related to music?

I enjoy playing basketball and practicing my shots with my dad.

Do you know a student who is deserving of being in the spotlight? Nominate them by emailing us and telling us why they deserve to be recognized! 

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